Hi, I'm Scott! I'm a developer based in Berlin who is available for hire.
I'm passionate about building apps with clean, tested and maintainable code. I have an aptitude for problem solving and a hunger for continuous improvement. I am looking to work as part of a team where I can contribute to a meaningful project whilst continuing to learn from my peers.
This site was created so that bike couriers can keep track of the distance of each order they deliver. Currently being used by Deliveroo riders in Berlin.
This app was built to help Deliveroo bike couriers keep track of the distances they cycle/drive and how much they get paid for each delivery. Because a new payment scheme is being introduced at the company, I was asked to build an app that helped couriers decide which contract option best suited their needs.
The app uses the HTML5 Geolocation API to allow users to add the coordinates of their current position. They can use this to record coordinates at their start point, restaurant and customer locations. This data is then used to calculate the distance between these points. Users can view all of their own order or the orders of all couriers combined and can export this data in CSV and XLS format to enable them to analyse it in Excel.
The app had a deadline of only a few days so it is very much at the MVP stage at the moment. I am continually adding new features and updates based on feedback from couriers.
This site lets users check the current weather forecast in any city and you will be returned a GIF that matches the weather. Uses the Open Weather Map API.
This app allows users to search for a city/town and the weather forecast is returned to them in the form of a GIF that represents the current weather. Temperature, wind speed and humidity are returned as well as a brief weather decription of the weather. Weather parameters are fetched from the Open Weather Map API using thre HTTParty gem to contact the API. CSS keyframes are used to animate the weather parameters.
Red & Black Books is a demo E-commerce site built using Ruby on Rails.
Red and Black Books is a demo E-commerce application. Users are able to register an account, allowing them to leave comments and reviews of products. An admin function can also be delegated to a user, enabling them to access the full CRUD functionality of products controller. This allows admins to add, edit and delete products from the PostgreSQL database. Unit and Functional testing is implemented using RSpec, enabling me to write and refactor code with confidence. AJAX and caching are also included to reduce database requests and improve response times of many features. The site layout was done with the help of Bootstrap and Flexbox
The site that you are currently on! My personal portfolio site: built using HTML5, custom CSS, vanilla JS and the jQuery Scrollorama plugin.
This site was created to showcase projects that I've worked on and a little bit about my background and experience. I built it without using any CSS frameworks or preprocessors to demostrate that I understand the foundations and processes that make these tools work, such as positioning, transitions and animations. To make the site useable on devises with different screen sizes I used media queries and size units such as percentages and rems. I also used GIMP image editor for image processing to reduce file sizes and improve load times. Semantic HTML5 is used throughout to improve keyboard accessibility
A vanilla JavaScript application built to cement my knowledge of the fundamentals of JS CRUD functionality
This app was created to solidify my knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals. By coding in vanilla JS rather than using librares or frameworks I was able to increase my understanding of the code that runs behind the scenes in such tools. To style the app I used a mobile first approach to strengthen my skills in designing with this workflow. I also used building this app as an opportunity to learn SASS and have found it to massively boost my productivity and have used it on ever project since!